Saturday, July 17, 2004

i 've been jinxed!! first attempt at blogging
i think that i have been jinxed!! i was late for for school the entire week and even today for my gp test.
i dont understand how i got to school late i left home at 7:15 and take a bus to school which was  about 6 stops away...and i always turn up late!!
i practically had to wait 30 minutes for bus to arrive and the journey takes 20 minutes so i would reach school at 8.
it was like that for the last 4 days untill friday when i was late again.....i decided to take the back door as i had tip off from the school cleaners(they are my informants)
i had an ominous feeling while i was walking along the baack route,sure enough,micheal tan the school discipline master (and **** ** ***) spotted me and told me to meet at the office.
there i was reprimanded by the principal and vice principal and got pretty much screwed by tan
.i got some warning and a one day suspension but it was raining in school that day so i was stuck in school for about half an hour.
i went to buona vista to get my ez-link replaced later on as tan lost my card when i was down for maintainence, it was pretty crappy as i blew 20 buck on the card the only consolation was that my picture looks better than my previous ez-link card(i looked like a hamburger in it,oh,it was the camera angle btw)

i took a nap when i reached homeup till 6 when my friend gave me a call on the gp test tomorrow...i took a bath and took lunch before sleeping again....
this morning history repeated........i could only take the bus-stop at the front route as it was raining heavily.the bus refused to come and it was 6:50. 20mins passed and no bus came...considering the journey...i knew i had to catch a cab but no cabs came......i prayed ..i sweared....but time seemed to go on forever and it was 7:20 and my gp test was on 7:30!
when the cab finally came ,it rushed me to school and i took the test 10 minutes late. i opened my bag and my pens were missing and i had to use a marker to do the test, which i probably gonna flunk unless the marker can read black patches of ink...
------------------------------------E N D(of me too)-------------------------------------------



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